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Agenda 2024

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Panel: The challenges of funding supranationals in 2024

19 Jun 2024
Sustainable Finance , SSAs
  • Business as usual (despite…..)?
  • Optimising debt profiles to reduce risk exposure
  • What else should investment banks do? Or do better?
  • Digitalisation of new issuance: understanding the benefits (and risks?)
  • The direction of sustainable funding: transition, nature….
  • Exploring EuGB regulation implementation for issuers
Eila Kreivi, Sustainable Finance Activist at Large
Elena Panomarenko, Head of Funding, EMEA - IFC
Sven Wabbels, Head of Funding - KFW
Mohamed Sharaf, Treasurer - IsDB
Laura Fan, Head of Funding - IADB
George Richardson, Director, Capital Markets and Investments - World Bank
Andrea Dore, Global Head of Funding - World Bank
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