Vinod Vasan
Vinod is a Vice Chair of Global Banking at UBS. He has run coverage, client solutions, the capital and equity linked team and liability management in DCM at UBS in two separate stints. In between, he was at DB where he was Co-Global Head of Bond Origination and Global Head of FIG Origination in DCM. His first job in banking was at Macquarie Bank in Sydney where he specialised in Infrastructure (M&A and project financing). Vinod qualified as a Chartered Accountant and a Solicitor in Australia. Vinod has been involved in many ground breaking FIG transactions – the recapitalisation of Lloyds including creating the first contingent capital (“Coco”) in 2009 and pioneering the use of large scale FIG Liability Management during the financial crisis. He created the privately placed Coco which was critical to the recapitalisation of Piraeus and NBG during the Greek banking crisis of 2015. Vinod also created the first high equity credit corporate hybrid in Europe in 2005 for Casino, starting the asset class in Europe. Vinod is a Founding Senior Sponsor of the c.2900 member Mosaic-UK network which promotes ethnic diversity at UBS. He enjoys water sports and structuring debt transactions in his spare time.